You are an extraterrestrial firefly tasked with communicating on behalf of your hive, with your abilities gradually increasing over four days. Gather energy from the harsh sun during the day, when it is too hot to fly very high with your delicate wings. At night fly above the bioluminescent life of this alien world, blinking patterns of light and dark that might just echo all the way to the stars.

Gamepad and fullscreen recommended. Headphones if you like being enveloped in sound.


  • move: wasd or arrows or gamepad left stick
  • jump/multijump/fly: space or up/w or gamepad a
  • blink/communicate: enter or shift or gamepad b
    • short tap for short blink
    • hold for long blink
  • burrow: down or s twice while on the ground
  • toggle fullscreen: esc or gamepad start

Features all original art and sound.

  • Made in Godot
  • Recorded and produced in Audacity 
    • Live viola and melodica!
  • Drawn in Krita
  • Font is smallburg by ggbotnet

Known issues:

  • Options menu currently nonfunctional. Was running out of time and didn't want to risk breaking everything. I'll add it after the jam.
  • I still don't understand how to make fonts not look bad in fullscreen, someone help me
  • I need to understand more about inputs. Any advice welcome. Added and made "enter" the default communication button due to stickeykeys being a problem for some users
  • In fixing the above I accidentally randomly deleted at least a line and a half of code somewhere that took a while to find and that broke the day/night cycle, but I managed to get a quick fix uploaded in the 15 minutes after the jam before the grace period ended.

Updated 29 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot


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(1 edit)

Enjoyable small game with a nice art style.

Beautiful game! Great artwork, both visually and musically. Love the atmosphere.