put it in the box.

use arrow keys and space to put it in the box

I had this idea for trijam "Forced to Make a Move" theme, but it was too terrible. I thought: I can't make this. It will be the worst game ever. I won't do the gamejam this weekend.

Then I came across "the worst jam ever" game jam and it was like fate

put it in the box

Published 9 days ago


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At first I loved this and thought I could not vote for it and then it started slowly killing me

10/10 Horrible game thank you for making it incredibly charming but maddening and I just I love it it has perfect vibes it has just mmmmm In the best possible vibes on the planet Would sell my wife and kids and ex husband and ex-partner Just to play this game again In the apocalypse

You know what I'm thinkin, is that you should put it... 

...in the box.


10/10, I'd sell my wife and kids for this game! - Someone's husband

5/5 game would pay money for this - Kernel Cob

1/1  I liked the part where you put it in the box - Ball

10,000/10,000, would love to see version 2,000 - Version Number


Put it in the box,

Put it in the box,

Put it in the box,

Put it in the box!


I went to see the instructions for “the worst jam ever” xD

What an improbable idea! Maybe I'll do it one day.

Anyway, bravo! This game drove me crazy. I still managed to get the round thing and the blue thing in the box. But my perfectionist and completionist side is frustrated that I didn't get everything in the box. Especially as that's what all the audio files are screaming at me! AAAAAAH!

Put it in the box, put it in the box, puuut iiiiit in the booooox :D


Being told to put it in the box all the time was my breaking point lol, great one tho

Put it in the box


i am absolutely mesmerized by the many many many variations of 'put it in the box'. absolute art

put it in the box.