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All your games are so unique and creative! I liked the main game, the idea and also the different branches at the beginning (I was able to beat the stairs the first time I played haha). I like your style and your concepts everytime, well done on this one!

Your games are the first ones I click on whenever I see them in this jam, so this compliment is very much appreciated!


Love the weight of going up the stairs, really felt like you had to put in a bit of work. You have really managed to create your own unique style of games. If you keep at it you'll eventually get a cult following for sure!

Thank you, getting the feel of the weight was a design priority.

Part of my reasoning for doing a bunch of short game jams this summer was to try different things and search to find my voice as a developer. But I think maybe I had one all along!


Really, I love all your games!

Each time the atmosphere is incredible: whether it's the sounds, the graphics or even the idea!

Maybe some sound adjustments on this one (especially when we get closer to the end and the sounds become a little oppressive. But it's just a matter of subtle dosage).

And really, it's crazy how difficult it is for this character, used to elevators, to take the stairs. The idea is funny, but the execution emphasizes the anxiety, the challenge and the effort that it represents! Really well done!

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The admiration is mutual!

A goal of mine was to explore creating a diegetic atmosphere, rather than relying once again on my music skills. There's still a bunch of adjustments I'd like to make, but the time sure adds up fast on these trijam games. 

I am going to have to start doing trijam-game-fixing-jams, now that I have a few that could use some love.

(2 edits) (+1)

Ok, I like a lot this game, it´s different from others. The first time I won without using the stairs XD. 

When finally I went upstairs in other play, at first I was like pressing repeatedly the up key, then repeatedly right... up... left... It took me a pair of floors to understand that if I keep pressed the up button and then alternate the left and right buttons pressed until the animation of the leg over the stair finish is enough XDDD. 

It would be nice continue the story in all the rest places or floors with monologues, thoughs and/or decisions... I think it would enrich the experience.

I'm glad you found the alternate way to win! And that you eventually found a nice rhythm for walking up the stairs.

I'd like to add a bit more story for those who do climb the stairs, when I come back to this game to fix some other issues.

Thank you for playing and for your thoughtful comments!


Good demo for visual novel/interactive fiction game! I particularly liked the sound effects and visual style. The text/writing is also fairly entertaining. A few recommendations:

- It would be nice if I could click to continue on dialogue. Mixing keyboard and mouse input in the same input gets kindof clunky

- the buttons are in the wrong locations (probably impacted by the offcenter viewport)

Otherall, nice demo! Let's go Godot!!

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Thank you, the screen recording is particularly helpful and I appreciate the effort.

I've hopefully fixed the viewport issues, I got confused when transferring platforms. And I think I've made input better? All the dialogue and scene transitions should work using either clicks or keyboard now.

I appreciate your comments!

I tried it, and the viewport works much better now! The input is also much smoother. Good job!

Hooray! Thank you for playtesting!

No prob! :)